About Us

FOLLOW HIM, is a call of God the Father, to all Christians (those who believe in Jesus as the Son of God) to change the world into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. This is a call whose time has come. The population of the world at this time is approximately 6 Billion and Christianity is only 1/3 of that, or approximately 2 Billion. Two of the most populous countries, China (1.3 B) and India (1.1B) are non Christians with a meager 10 percent of their populations claiming as Christians. It is about time for all Christians to stand up and make disciples of all nations.

FOLLOW HIM is getting people to understand the salvation offered by Jesus. This salvation is not only for an abundant life here on earth but also for an eternal life with Him in heaven. The conventional way of evangelization or teaching about Jesus is antiquated. Europe, America, and most first world Christian countries are proliferated by big beautiful church buildings with a few members in them. There are cities with big churches from one corner to the other especially in the depressed areas with no people in them. The call now is not to build buildings but to build people. How do we do this? Jesus said, “When two or three are gathered in my name, I will be in the midst of them.” When two or three people will group themselves and study His Word, The Bible, Jesus will be present.  Follow Him is established to find leaders who will disciple these people hungry for the Word of God, hungry to learn more about Jesus. See “Manual on how to start your own Bible Study with ten people or less.” Following Jesus is studying His book, The Bible. Following Jesus is being moved by the Holy Spirit. Following Jesus is being a disciple of Jesus.

    Plan of Actions

Immediate need to start up work as a disciple of Jesus: Be a Facilitator. This is the name of the leader who will start a Bible Study Group at home or wherever Jesus will assign them to. Please see “Manual on how to start your own Bible Study with ten people or less.



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